Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Frame Story

As this book comes to an end, I can now talk about how Vonnegut uses the frame story approach. In chapter 1 and 10, the setting and point of view is different than the rest of the book.  In these chapters we see Vonnegut and his friend O'Hare talking, instead of hearing the narration of the story of Billy Pilgrim. For instance they are talking on a plane ride saying; "O'Hare and I had never expected to make any money--and here we were now extremely well-to-do" (211-12). These two chapters are very different but help to tie the story together. Vonnegut uses the frame story with a very keen writers touch to transition in and out of his wretched war book. Just another of his many expert skills in writing that make him so adored.

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