Monday, July 30, 2012

A Depressed Broke-Down Kite

This chapter was quite lengthy and I could not finish it in one sitting, but i finally have. Upon my completion of the chapter I more vividly noticed Vonnegut's use of metaphors in this chapter. I don't know if I was looking for them or just happened to notice them. Anyway, one example of these metaphors comes when Billy caught on fire. After this occurrence an Englishmen remarked "'My God – what have they done to you, lad? This isn't a man. It's a broken kite'"(97). Now we all know Billy is in fact human and not a damaged flying object. In this reference though Vonnegut is explaining the depressed state Billy is enduring. As a time traveler he already knows of his destiny and cannot change it; all he can do is wait for it to occur at the proper moment.

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