Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Chronicles of Tralfamadore

When i was reading this chapter, I couldn't help but notice the similarity of the situation Billy was in to the one that Lucy Pevensie endured in the Chronicles of Narnia. 

Like Lucy, Billy leaves the earth in some manner and travels to another "world." While both characters are gone time seems to pause on earth and in the 'other world' years could go by while no time elapses on earth. Additionally when Billy returns, no one believes his story of the creatures he met and things he learned. This also is seen in The Chronicles of Narnia when Lucy initially returns and none of her siblings believe her. In Billy's case his daughter considers him senile and doesn't believe him. In Lucy's case her brothers and sister just think she is playing childish games and don't think anything of it. this further shows human ignorance and tendency to not trust. Maybe I will hear more of the land of Tralfamadore as I read on.

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